The STD that cause cervical cancer may also be linked to oral cancers:
"The same sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer is fuelling the growth of some types of oral cancers — and oral sex is believed to be the main conduit, according to experts in B.C. and around the world.
While smoking and heavy alcohol drinking were once the main risk factors for oral cancers, now the human papillomavirus (HPV) has become a more dominant cause as smoking rates wane.
At least one strain of HPV has been identified as the main cause behind the increase in oral cancers — properly called oropharyngeal cancers — in places such as the base of the tongue and around the tonsils, even when they’ve been removed.
The emergence of HPV-caused oral cancers is also attributed to changes in sexual practices over the past three or four decades.
“HPV has been around for ages, but the use of oral contraceptives starting in the 1960s and ’70s led to an increase in incidents of sexually transmitted diseases,” said Dr. John Hay, a radiation oncologist at the BC Cancer Agency, referring to the fact that the pill unleashed more sexual freedom, but that also meant that HPV and other STDs became ubiquitous."
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