Just Breathe

I can't believe its been so long since I have written a blog.  I guess I have been busy with work and life and stuff.

One of the things that I was busy with was going to Washington, D.C. to moderate a panel about social media and cancer survivorship.  Most of my friends said that was perfect for me.  I am on facebook and twitter talking to many of my survivor friends, and finding new and interesting guest for my show.

The group that I went to speak to were lung cancer survivors.  I always thought well survivors are survivors, we all deal with the same issues.

While that is true for the most part, there are lots of things I had no idea other survivors had to deal with.

The one story  that stuck with me was of one survivor who told us of how it took almost 9 hours to climb the stairs because she forgot her ipod upstairs soon after her surgery.

Another lung cancer survivor rides hundreds of miles a week on his recumbent bike. (and I barely get in a 10 mile ride a week!!)

Most of the lung cancer survivors at this summit were non smokers.

Lung cancer carries a stigma.  Most people think because you smoke you deserve cancer.

No one deserves cancer.  I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  It has to suck to be asked "Well you must have smoked."

Like that should matter.

Cancer survivors don't take anything for granted.  That is one thing that we all have in common.

Next time you are outside take in a deep breath of the summer air.

Some people don't have that luxury.

Lung cancer is the #1 killer over breast cancer and heart disease, yet it is the most underfunded.

What are you going to do about that?

Check out my podcast The Cancer Warrior on Empoweradio.com
Also available on Itunes.


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